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Faculty of Law, Business & Economics

Chair of African Legal Studies – Prof. Dr. Thoko Kaime

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Einfaches Seminar WS 2020/21


Climate Justice in the Global South                                                                                                                                                                 

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing mankind. Climate change laws, energy laws and human rights frameworks are key instruments for coping with this challenge. In this seminar, the various papers will analyse how legal regimes in the global south are equipped to deal with this challenge.


The seminar is designed to be also attended by students without previous knowledge in the individual problem areas and students in younger semesters. The seminar takes place as a block seminar with three main days. We will decide in due course to what extent the events take place on campus or over zoom.


1. Assignment of topics: 05 October 2020 at 10 am

2. Kick-off day: 12 October 2020 from 08.30 am to 04 pm

3. Intermediate meeting: 12 November 2020

3. Submission of the written paper: 21 December 2020

4. Final presentation: 22 January 2021 from 08.30 am to 06 pm


                                                                                     - Topics -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

1.       Critically analyse the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and its contribution in addressing development problems related to climate change.


Welborn, Lily. "Africa and climate change-projecting vulnerability and adaptive capacity." ISS Africa Report 2018.14 (2018): 1-24.

DeGhetto, Kaitlyn, Jacob R. Gray, and Moses N. Kiggundu. "The African Union's agenda 2063: aspirations, challenges, and opportunities for management research." Africa Journal of Management 2.1 (2016): 93-116.


2.       How does the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change address the specific challenges of developing countries? 


Ari, Izzet, and Ramazan Sari. "Differentiation of developed and developing countries for the Paris Agreement." Energy Strategy Reviews 18 (2017): 175-182.

Prys-Hansen, Miriam. "Differentiation as Affirmative Action: Transforming or Reinforcing Structural Inequality at the UNFCCC?." Global Society (2020): 1-17.

3.       With reference to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, critically discuss the importance of clear legal obligations for states in relation to climate change adaptation.


Bodansky, Daniel. "The legal character of the Paris Agreement." Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 25.2 (2016): 142-150.

4.       The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) has the potential of boosting trade across Africa. Explain how the AfCFTA could enhance investments in energy infrastructure.



5.       To what extent is energy law a useful tool in tackling climate change? Discuss using legal framework for renewable energy in South Africa or Nigeria.


Elum, ZA and, and A. S. Momodu. "Climate change mitigation and renewable energy for sustainable development in Nigeria: A discourse approach." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76 (2017): 72-80.

Wang, Xiaodong. "Legal and policy frameworks for renewable energy to mitigate climate change." Sustainable Development Law & Policy 7.2 (2010): 7.

Rønne, Anita. "Smart Cities and Smart Regulation: Accelerating Innovative Renewable Technologies in Energy Systems to Mitigate Climate Change." Innovation in Energy Law and Technology. Oxford University Press, 2018.


6.       In view of climate change, what considerations should be taken into account in designing energy laws for developing countries? (You may select any developing country as an example.)


Heffron, Raphael J., and Kim Talus. "The development of energy law in the 21st century: a paradigm shift?." The Journal of World Energy Law & Business 9.3 (2016): 189-202.


7.       Using Ghana or Kenya as examples, critically discuss the legal and policy tools available to developing countries in encouraging renewable energy deployment within their jurisdictions.  


Sakah, Marriette, et al. "Towards a sustainable electrification in Ghana: A review of renewable energy deployment policies." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79 (2017): 544-557.

Marquardt, Jens. "Central‐local relations and renewable energy policy implementation in a developing country." Environmental Policy and Governance 27.3 (2017): 229-243.


8.       Through a critical literature review, assess the importance of developments in international law relating to renewable energy.


Karim, Md Ershadul, et al. "Energy revolution for our common future: An evaluation of the emerging international renewable energy law." Energies 11.7 (2018): 1769.


9.       Critically discuss how international human rights norms can be used to address climate-induced migration.


Ferris, Elizabeth, and Jonas Bergmann. "Soft law, migration and climate change governance." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 8.1 (2017): 6-29.


10.   Using the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, critically outline how regional economic communities enable international cooperation in favour of climate policies.


Archer, Emma RM. "Regional climate change strategies and initiatives." CSIR, 2017.

Bezuidenhout, K. The South African regulatory framework pertaining to bio-energy as a climate change mitigation driver in SADC. Diss. North-West University, 2019.

Please register by sending us your name, semester, matriculation number and your desired topic to: africanlegalstudies@uni-bayreuth.de. However, the final topic allocation will take place at the preliminary meeting.

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