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UPDATE Announcement Winter Semester 2020/21


Dear students,

The new semester is about to start soon, and we would like to give you an update on how the next semester and our courses will fold out.


1. All our courses will take place over Zoom. You find the scheduled times on Campus online and each Zoom link on E-Learning.

Einfaches Seminar: Climate Justice in the Global South (Blockveranstaltung)

Introduction to African Legal Systems 

Constitutional Law and Constitutionalism in Africa

Methods of the English Common Law

Introduction to Public International Law

2. We are about to conclude our preparations and will upload a semester overview as well as the materials for each unit on the e-learning platforms in due course.


3. Additionally, we maintain our digital open hours every Wednesday from 2-4 pm. Please register with africanlegalstudies@uni-bayreuth.de one day ahead and let us know how we can assist you.


4. We would also like to highlight to you other courses of the English Legal Curriculum which could be of your interest. Check out the faculty’s offer under https://www.english-legal-curriculum.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html.


We are looking forward to the next semester with many discussions and interesting topics despite all remaining ambiguities.


Your African Legal Studies Team